Check out Dr. Jackie’s book on Personal Development which can get you on the right track towards improving both your personal and professional life!
What is Your Purpose?
A part of our training is focused on helping you get to where you need to go, but what if you don’t know where you should go?
This definitely is something you should consider finding out if you want to save a little extra time taking the right path from the get go. All the choices you make are good ones, if you view them as learning experiences but a trick to do well is always to work smarter, not harder. So let’s help you work smarter instead of harder to find your purpose to help you figure out where you should be going!
The following is a worksheet of 20 questions that you should try to answer as honestly and as detailed as you can, to get the best result.
If you’re not sure what to say, or can’t find the right words, it’s definitely ok. There is nothing wrong with not knowing, you can take a break or skip a question and get back to it at a later date when you think or have an idea of what it might be.
You can also consider asking those around you that know you well, sometimes it’s the people closest to you that you trust that know you better than you know yourself!
Questions: 1-5
- When you picture yourself happy doing a task or helping others etc, what are you doing?
- Why do you think it made you happy?
- What are your top 3, best memories and what makes them the best for you?
- Are you seeing any common themes among your answers thus far, list them below! (they could be the setting, the people you were with, the task you were doing etc)
- Sometimes we have to focus on our passions as although our passions and happy moments may be linked, they are still two different things. What 5 things are you passionate about right now?
Questions: 6-10
- Awesome work, now list the 5 things you were passionate about as a child.
- Do you see any similarities? If yes, write them down and if no, write down the differences you see.
- Where do you feel the most at ease?
- When was the last time you felt timeless and found your flow while doing something?
- What were you doing in the answer above?
Questions: 11-15
- Write down the stages you regard as your “main stages” of your life and what made you feel the most fulfilled during those times.
- If you had a month of freetime and none of your normal responsibilities, what would you do/how would you spend it?
- When do you feel the most comfortable in your skin?
- When in your life, have you felt a strong sense of purpose?
- How did you recognize that purpose?
- Name 3 things you do very well
- What are some things your loved ones or friends, colleagues, associates have told you you do well or that you are known for?
- Which of those things do you agree with that you do well?
- What do you want to learn about? If you could sign up for a class right now, what would it be? (It could be college level, an online course, a workshop put on by a local business, etc.)
- At the end of your life, what ultimate message would you like to pass on to your children or closest friends and family?
Dr. Jacqueline Coke-Lloyd is a leader of leaders. She is well respected around the world and this flows from her long and distinguished pedigree of leading businesses, collaborating with government and the UN, teaching, mentoring and influencing business and civic leaders. My personal interaction with her reveals a selfless, efficient, wise, and unstoppable leader with a genuine heart for people and an eye for excellence. She is one of the greatest people development professionals from the Caribbean to the rest of the world.
Dr. Kofi Osei-Kusi President & Co-founder Pan-African Leadership Institute Accra, Ghana
Dr Jackie’s simple Personal Development Quiz is designed for someone that wants to work on themselves but doesn’t know where to begin.
If this sounds like you, then take 15 mins out of your schedule and take this quiz. It’ll help you figure out how to get started on your personal development with help from Dr Jackie Coke-Lloyd!